formula value

英 [ˈfɔːmjələ ˈvæljuː] 美 [ˈfɔːrmjələ ˈvæljuː]




  1. The formula and final value for each cell are also included in the nested array.
  2. Through the integrated calculation formula, the value of structural change and performance improvement can be obtained accurately and rapidly from the static and dynamic value of the structures.
  3. A computational formula of approximate value of minimum point and minimum value for some particular functions was infered by interpolation method of equidistant points.
  4. Is the value you want tested: a cell; a formula; or a name referring to a cell, formula, or value
  5. Why does our formula for present value say nothing about capital gains?
  6. Combined with engineering data, it recommends the calculation formula of Nu value, from which the calculated K is basically identical to the actual sulfur melting capacity. It also points out other main factors influencing the sulfur melting capacity.
  7. The formula of Shapley value of the convex linear composition game applying the combinational method is derived, The proof process of the solution existence theorem of the composition game is simplified.
  8. Using the formula, the value of variance component estimation is unbiased.
  9. A new calculating formula of average value of goods in stock and its using conditions have been put forward based on the analysis of the defects of the conventional one, and another new formula which is suitable for any conditions has been deduced out by employing mathematical methods.
  10. By means of ways orthogonal design test, calculating the meterial coefficient T in the formula for calculating the diameter of gear blank by using regression test, this paper has obtained calculation formula of T value.
  11. This paper presents a new concept concerning the density damage increment and deduces a quantitative relation formula between CT value and density damage increment, on the basis of which CT image is converted into density damage increment images.
  12. Besides, other pile-foundation schemes for the project and the all-purpose formula of value index are discussed briefly for reference.
  13. The paper introduces the basic structure and transmission principle of push rod rack drive and gives the formula and recommendatory value of the main parameters of the push rod rack drive, which provides a theoretical basis for its design and manufacture.
  14. The Study for Price Formula of Discounted Value of the European Call Option
  15. Cauchy Schwarz's inequality is an applied mathematical formula with great value.
  16. In this paper, we study the output characteristic of angle displacement information in a Laser angle-measuring interferometer, giving its output formula numerical value results.
  17. On the formula of extinction-ratio value, this paper deduced the theoretic equation of the extinction-ratio test method without target.
  18. The regression formula among nutrient value and feeding value as well as nutrient content was formed.
  19. According to Dirac's relativistic quantum mechanics, this, paper analysed the behaviors of magnetic field in normal Zeeman effect ( PaschenBack effect) and anomalous Zeeman effect and gived the calculating formula of critical value of magnetic field.
  20. According to the definition of size chain of technology the essay brilliantly expounds the method and steps to solve size chain using the basic formula of extreme value.
  21. From this point of view, the structure method of background value is researched, a simple calculating formula of background value is reestablished which has strong adaptability.
  22. This article presented experimental result and empirical formula of heat value of wood fuel, and analysed influence of moisture content of wood fuel on the heat value.
  23. Asymptotic Formula of Intermediate Value in Generalized Mean Value Theorem
  24. In the formula, the value of ARL is obtained through numerical method. The influence of the number of interzone parts m in ARL of EWMA is discussed too. The formula for the ARL of multi-mixture distribution EWMA is verified with statistical simulation.
  25. According to the load characteristic of power system and the application limitation of grey model GM ( 1,1), vector is introduced into the computing formula of background value array. A new model GM ( 1,1,) which bears higher adaptability is constructed.
  26. Thus the formula of value to measure traditional commodity has become a dogma without premises.
  27. So the economic stripping ratio formula reflects the value and expenditure of ore on a certain extent.
  28. And more, corresponding methods are used to calculate direct and indirect trust value. Also, update formula on trust value is given.
  29. Indicated that the formula predicted value is lower than the experimental value, the computed result is in favor of a security.
  30. Finally, taking an R& D failure ( suspended) project as example, this paper uses the formula of the value of EVA phase to arrive at the EVA values for the project team.